Searching Resumes
To search resumes attached to candidate records, please follow these steps:
Initiating a Regular Search
- In any Candidates View, click on the ‘Advanced Find’ button on the top right of the view
- A new window will open
- Click the ‘Search In’ (drop-down) Button and choose whether to search Resumes, JobTitle, Summaries, or check them all to search all simultaneously.
- Choose ‘Regular Search’.
- If you use ‘Regular Search’, you can use the available search fields (All, Any, None & Exact Phrases).
- Type in the keywords you want to search by. (NOTE: After entering each keyword hit enter key to type in next keyword)
- Enter a ZipCode and Search Radius if desired (not required)
Under 'Additional Search Criteria' section click 'Add a Field to Search' and choose 'In ZipCode' to enter ZipCode and Radius - Click ‘Search’ in the bottom right corner.
- Your search will start and you will now see the results of your search in the view you had selected

Initiating a Boolean Search
- In any Candidates View, click on the ‘Advanced Find’ button on the top right of the view
- A new window will open
- Click the ‘Search In’ (drop-down) Button and choose whether to search Resumes, JobTitle, Summaries, or check them all to search all simultaneously.
- Choose ‘Boolean Search’. To use the Boolean Search Option, you can enter full Boolean Strings in to the new search box you see. Please see: Exelare Boolean Operators Cheat Sheet
- Type in the keywords you want to search by.
- Enter a ZipCode and Search Radius if desired (not required)
Under 'Additional Search Criteria' section click 'Add a Field to Search' and choose 'In ZipCode' to enter ZipCode and Radius - Click ‘Search’ in the bottom right corner.
- Your search will start and you will now see the results of your search in the view you had selected

Advanced Tips
- Recent Searches – At any point you can click on "Recent" (TAB) to select your previous searches from the list and click on "Search" at the bottom to initiate the search.
- To filter the results further, you can type in the live search bar to narrow down your search list (Ex: City, State etc.) from the existing Resume Search.