Add a Job
To add a Job, please follow the steps below using either option. A job can be added from the Contacts or from the Jobs area.
Note: To add and save a new job, you must link the job to a contact.
Option 1 (Shows how to add a Job from Contacts area)
- Open Contacts Active Tab in ExelareWeb
- Search for the contact or hiring manager
- In the list view, check the Contact and click on ‘More Actions’ and select ‘Add Job’.
- A new tab will open where you can fill out the job details
- Fill out the fields desired on the job form
- Click ‘Save’ to save the job

Option 2 (Shows how to add a Job from Jobs area)
- Open a new Jobs Tab in ExelareWeb
- Click on the ‘Add’ Icon
- Fill out the fields desired on the new job form
- Click on the ‘Contact’ Field drop-down arrow Icon
- A new window will open allowing you to search for contacts
- Find and check the contact or hiring manager associated with this job
- Click ‘OK’
- Click ‘Save’ to save the job